Study Reveals Passion For Exercise May Start In Womb

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A new study shows how a person's love of exercise may start in the womb.

A study published in the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology Journal shows the will to work out may be strongly influenced by our mother's exercise habits during pregnancy.

"If the woman is running and athletic, the baby is getting all of the oxygen, the baby;s running along with you, literally," said Mama Bootcamp trainer Lorri Ann Code. "I have 3 children, I ran through all three of my pregnancies and all three of mine are very athletic."

Researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University focused on mice for their study. Results showed that babies from mice with access to running wheels were more physically active as adults and were more likely to lose weight during exercise programs.

Code says cardio is key.

"Swimming is another great cardiovascular exercise that's fabulous for your strengthening your core and it also supports you and the baby," she said.

Another critical component is the types of exercises pregnant women choose. Among the most important, she says is strength training.

"You can do bicep curls with bands, this is a great one, with both feet and you just go to curl," she said. "Beautiful work, making sure you're arms are strong, and your shoulders and your back."

They're all small movements that can add up to a big difference.

Code says it's important to avoid deep lunges or anything that is hard on your back during the second trimester. She says abdominal work is safe until the third trimester.

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