Sheldon High School Students Arrested In Classmate's Robbery

SACRAMENTO COUNTY (CBS13) — Two Sheldon High School students were arrested Thursday morning after allegedly attacking and robbing a classmate. It's just one in a string of similar robberies in the area as students walk home from school.

"It is sad because you don't want to hear kids out there taking advantage of other kids," said mother Desirae Hughes.

Thursday morning, the students, who are both minors, were arrested and taken to juvenile hall. They're accused of attacking another teen as he walked home from school, and trying to steal his designer beanie. The same victim was robbed just two months ago of his iPhone by a group of about 10 teens. In the past few weeks, other students claim they've also been stripped of their shoes, and in one case, even their pants.

"I'm worried about my children's safety," said Hughes.

Some parents are fearful, while others are furious.

Kelly Hightower said, "I just feel like these kids don't have respect for each other or anyone else around them."

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department says the robberies could be connected and that more arrests may be coming.

"The kids may look at this as they just they beat up somebody and took their phone. This is a robbery, this is serious. As an adult, this means prison time," said Sacramento Sheriff's Sgt. Shaun Hampton.

Hughes says she was surprised school officials didn't alert parents about the attacks sooner.

"Even if it's a courtesy of, you know, a text blast, an email blast. We didn't get any of that and so that's a little bit frustrating to me," said Hughes.

Two young students turned accused attackers and now facing charges of robbery.

They should be charged because parents work hard to buy their kids what they need, and you know for someone to come along and take it it's not right," said Hightower.

According to the parent of one of the victims, one of the students who was arrested is a varsity football player at Sheldon High. The Elk Grove Unified School District could not confirm that, but said it is aware of the situation and will have increased patrols around the area.

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