Roseville wresting coach arrested for sex crimes against kids as young as 14

Roseville wrestling coach arrested for sex crimes against minors

ROSEVILLE — A former Olympian and Roseville wrestling coach was arrested for sexual acts against minors.

Fifty-year-old Quincey Clark was inducted into the California Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2015; his speech included a desire to give back to youth. Seven years later, Clark was taken into custody by the Roseville Police Department for allegedly victimizing at least two of his young athletes.

"This investigation took a few weeks from the onset of the tip we received from the community member," said Roseville Police Department spokesman Rob Baquera.

Clark was running a sports program out of his Roseville home.

He coached all ages, but according to Placer County Jails booking reports, he was arrested under Penal Code 288 C 1, which says the alleged victim was a child of 14 or 15 years and the suspect when the crime was committed, was at least ten years older.

"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but at this time, we did have sufficient evidence to arrest Mr. Clark," said Baquera.

We asked Baquera about the evidence that allowed a warrant issued by the DA's office. Baquera wouldn't answer that question directly but says there was enough evidence for Placer County to issue an arrest warrant.

"The charges that were filed...sent to the DA's office, we believe those will stand."

Clark's neighbors were shocked by the allegations.

"A lot of stuff going through my mind, it's crazy," Ryan Moore, who lives down the street from Clark and is concerned this may have been happening right underneath his nose.

Clark is being held on $250,000 bail and will appear in court Thursday for his arraignment. Police say there may be additional victims and are asking anyone who may know anything to come forward. 

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