Relax, Your Bracket Isn't Dead Yet (Probably)

Damn you SMU (and the dumb refs).

I hate you Butler, Texas, and of course Iowa State.

But I DO love me some tournament time. This is the time of year where legions of people like me that have watched about an hour of college basketball all year long (and its my job) become bracketology experts. There's nothing like it in sports.

My wife is in one. Two actually, but her work is offering TV's, an Apple Watch, and much more. I'm in a few. Its the undeniable lure of (semi) legal gambling. Its the one time of the year you're allowed to break the rules and be a sports orphan. Normally, you pick your team and STICK WITH your team come rain or shine. But with the brackets, throw that out the window. Between Thursday and Friday, I have 32 favorite teams.

Many of you lost some crippling games. But remember, too many times people get waaaaay to excited over having a great first round record. That's fine and great, but its about who's still alive.

If you're sitting with at least 12 of your sweet 16, and your 8, 4, and title game intact? You're fine. Relax. Now the normal rules may not accurately apply due to everyone taking Kentucky, but still. Its ok. You'll survive.

But if you were an Iowa State guy, who heard that one dude on that one station break down how surprising the Fighting Hoibergs would be, look at it this way: Baseball starts soon.

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