Refugee Advocates: Trump Order 'Defies Everything This Country Stands For'

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Since 1975, more than 3 million refugees from across the world have made America their home. The State Department website explains refugee resettlement as something that "reflects the United States' highest values and aspirations to compassion, generosity and leadership."

On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order restricting immigrant and refugee entry to America.

"It's a knee-jerk reaction that makes no sense at all when you understand who these families are," said Deborah Ortiz with Opening Doors, a refugee resettlement program.

The order signed by Trump bans all Syrian refugee resettlement indefinitely. The order also restricts anyone from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from coming to America for at least the next 30 days.

According to the order, when it is decided that resettlement will be allowed once again, a priority will be given to people in the minority religion of the country they're in.

"It defies everything this country stands for," said Ortiz.

"They're fleeing terrorism. They're not terrorists," she continued.

Republican California State Senator Ted Gaines agrees with Trump's decision.

"We need to be taking a tougher stand. We need to be protecting Americans," said Gaines.

"In my view it doesn't have anything to do with Muslim. It has to do with terrorism," he continued.

Gaines says the threat of terror infiltrating the United States from abroad is growing. He believes other options for the refugee crisis should be considered.

"I think there are opportunities to address refugees in their home countries and making sure we have safe zones for them," said Gaines.

A major shift in American policy sends a wave of uncertainty for people across the world.

This is the current vetting process for refugees wanting to come to the United States.

Once posted, the full text of the executive order can be found here.

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