Mayor Steinberg calls out "bigots and racists" after latest Sacramento city council meeting disruption

City council meeting in Sacramento disrupted by public during homeless crisis update

SACRAMENTO – Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is responding to the latest disruption at a city council meeting.

Tuesday evening's meeting erupted in chaos for the second week in a row after someone tried to speak. Councilmember Karina Talamantes tweeted that the meeting "came to a halt due to the hatred of a few anti-Semitic and racist individuals."

The week before, a speaker let off a tirade of anti-Semitic remarks – prompting Mayor Steinberg to try and cut him off.

Councilmember Lisa Kaplan tweeted that the same speaker showed up again at Tuesday's meeting.

"I am Jewish & have been offended & disturbed each time the anti-Semitic has spoken publicly- specifically turning my back when he speaks. Tonight he brought more proud boys- I did not feel safe w them in the audience (period)," Kaplan wrote.

After Tuesday's meeting, Mayor Steinberg released a full statement about the night's incident.

"While bigots and racists have a first amendment right to spew their hate, they have no right to incite violence," Steinberg wrote.

The mayor also noted that, if the disruptions continue, the council may have to temporarily have to hear the public by Zoom or telephone.

"No one, no matter their point of view, has the right to disrupt the public's business or make it impossible for others to participate," Steinberg wrote. 

Mayor Steinberg's full statement is below: 

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