"It's disgusting": Sex scandal investigation underway at Woodland school

Sex scandal investigation underway at Woodland school

WOODLAND — Woodland police have launched an investigation into allegations of unlawful sex between a female administrator and male students at Woodland Christian School. 

Woodland Christian's K through 12 school leaders alerted parents by email to what they described as "inappropriate contact off campus between a female staff member and one or more high school students."

Parents describe a range of reactions.

"Sad, scary, angry," parent Ash Wear said. "Well, it's disgusting, you know."

"Any concerns at all?" CBS13's Steve Large asked a mother of a 7th grader. 

"Not that I am concerned right now," the parent said.

Administrators sent a message to parents reading in part: 

"....This has been a very difficult incident that we will be processing through for some time. We know that you entrust us to provide a safe and professional educational environment that supports Biblical values..."

Woodland police say they were informed of the alleged unlawful contact on May 11 and confirmed they launched a criminal investigation. The alleged victims in this case are under 18. 

How will they determine the severity of a possible criminal charge? It depends in part on the students' ages.

"The age of the victim — if they are 16 or over — it is generally misdemeanor. If they are 14 and younger, it is a felony," Attorney Michael Wise said. "If the boys essentially say 'I wanted to do it, it was fun or exciting,' then it's going to be a misdemeanor. If they say, 'Well, I felt like I had to because she threatened me or put some pressure on me,' then it could turn into a felony rape charge."

Investigators are likely looking at a range of evidence including social media posts.

Parents are seeking the next steps. 

"Kind of a plan of action of what they're going to do to prevent that kind of stuff from happening," Wear said. 

The Yolo County District Attorney's office said they are waiting to receive the Woodland police investigation findings. 

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