Approx. 15 Sacramento County Election Staffers To Not Work Tuesday Due To Coronavirus Concern

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The Sacramento County Registrar's Office says 10-15 temporary staffers will not be coming in to work the primary Tuesday.

Over the last few days, a spokesperson said some have called in saying they do not want to be around crowds for fear of the coronavirus. The county says they do not expect an impact on polling centers. They have over 600 election clerks who answer questions and work the centers.

Both leaders at polling places and voters are taking extra precautions to ensure voter turnout while staying safe.

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"We hope fear of the coronavirus doesn't keep people from voting if they need to go into a vote center," Janna Haynes, a spokesperson for Sacramento County Voter Registration, said.

Leaders say they're prepared for nervous voters ahead of election day.

"We equipped all our vote centers with a little sanitation kit that has hand sanitizer, gloves, tissues, sanitation wipes for the common spaces," Haynes said.

Haynes anticipates the number of mail-in and drop-off ballots to increase this year. State voting officials say 75% of California voters have received absentee ballots, which can be returned by mail or at drop off locations.

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"I think we're still going to be busy on election day because the presidential race has been so uncertain as we go into the election," Haynes said.

Even though the risk to the public is low, Haynes says people are nervous to go into public places, and some volunteer staff have quit ahead of Tuesday.

"We are just trying to respond as well as we can so people don't opt not to vote," Haynes said.

There are 84 vote centers in the county. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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