Rangers Warn To Not Play With Baby Coyotes

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — All along the American river, it's easy to spot coyotes this time a year. Rangers say spring is also when baby coyotes are springing to life.

"I see one almost nightly this time of year. It's at dusk," said Bonnie Sanders

On Tuesday, Park Ranger Elmer Marzan spotted a mom with two pups.

"They were just kind of cruising around and they look small and furry and very adorable," said Marzan.

Baby coyotes can look like puppy dogs, but interacting with them could put you in harm's way if their mom catches you.

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"So, if there's any kind of danger against their pups they'll probably take aggressive action," said Marzan

If you do happen to come across some little ones, rangers say to do exactly what a young woman told us she would do.

"I wouldn't go up to them. I wouldn't get near them because they're wild animals. You don't know what they're going to do. But I would probably alert a ranger if I saw them," said Kirsten Sorenson.

Coyotes aren't typically aggressive toward humans and don't always shy away. Still, one woman told said she no longer walks her dog on the trail and instead prefers being on the levee where she has a better view of what's around.

"So, I feel safer so it's one predation I take.  And I keep her on a leash. She's obviously smaller than a coyote," said Sanders.

Rangers say to stand big and tall and stay still if you encounter a coyote. They will normally turn away and leave you alone.

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