Democratic delegate Steve Cohn questions Biden's re-election bid: "Is he really up for this?"

DNC delegate with Sacramento ties backs Biden but questions re-election bid

SACRAMENTO — As President Biden responds to more calls by Democratic lawmakers for him to withdraw from his re-election campaign, Sacramento-area Democratic Party delegates are preparing for a possible historic convention.

Steve Cohn is a Democratic Party delegate who is no stranger to politics. He's a former Sacramento City Council member and although he is a Biden backer, pledging to vote for him at the convention, he's still unsure Biden will stay in this race.

"Can he beat Trump in this condition?" Cohn said.

Cohn has his plane tickets purchased and will be flying to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention next month.

Leading up to the convention is the lingering question: Will President Biden stay in the race following his debate debacle that the Biden campaign is seeking to downplay? 

"So it was a tough moment," Cohn said. "And you know, it remains to be seen whether it's a moment that the president can overcome." 

President Joe Biden called into the political talk show "Morning Joe" on Monday after a cascade of Democratic leaders came forward calling on him to withdraw.

"The bottom line is we're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere," Biden said. "If any of these guys don't think I should run, run against me, announce their president, challenge me at the convention." 

Governor Gavin Newsom is campaigning for Biden in New Hampshire and was asked if he was certain the President will stay in the race.

"I believe that absolutely. I believe that," Newsom said. "That's not something for me to control. The only thing I can control is what I do every single day."

For Cohn, he has already pledged to vote for Biden at the convention. He is also preparing for the possibility of a plan B. 

"I do feel that he needs to really consider the consequences if he is unable to campaign effectively," Cohn said. "The president needs to decide over the next few weeks. I think 'Is he really up for this?' "

The Democratic National Convention starts on August 19. 

If President Biden does withdraw, he would have the option of allocating his delegate pledges to someone else or releasing them entirely. Either way, it would set up a situation where delegates can vote for a different Democratic nominee for president. 

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