Severely Abused Dog Finds Forever Home

ROSEVILLE (CBS13) — It was one of the most severe cases of dog abuse the Placer County SPCA had ever seen.

A small mixed-breed, named Korbin, was found abandoned and beaten in a park in Roseville.

That was back in June of this year. Today, Korbin found his forever home.

His injuries are now healed, but the process was painful for even the most seasoned veterinarians to watch and treat.

Leilani Fratis is the CEO of the Placer SPCA and tells us, "They had never seen anything like the injury that he had sustained--literally--his skull was exposed."

Fratis went on to tell CBS 13, "We began a long process of bandage changes and wound treatment and laser therapy on his head on a very regular basis."

Korbin's new owners adopted him after taking one look at his sweet face.

Sandi and Dixon Coulter, after 45 years of marriage, had never owned a dog, until now.

Dixon Coulter tells us, "For many of the years we were married--we lived in apartments like young married people, and so we just didn't have space, and we finally got this place, and I went, this would be a great dog property."

Korbin would agree.

He now has a big yard in Fair Oaks in which to roam and chase balls.

Sadly, the people responsible for injuring Korbin have never been found.

If you know anything, keep in mind there's a $5,000 reward offered by the Placer SPCA for an arrest and conviction.

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