Thousands Attend Pittsburgh Women's March

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- People flooded the streets of Downtown Pittsburgh for the second annual Women's March on Sunday afternoon.

Thousands showed up to the Women's March in Pittsburgh on Sunday afternoon.

The event began at the City-County Building around 11:30 a.m., where politicians who are running for office gave short speeches.

The crowd then marched to Market Square, where community organizers spoke.

"Indivisible Pittsburgh and the Women's March of Pittsburgh have stood on all kinds of issues and now it is time to gather that and take that power to the polls and vote," Tracy Baton, director of Women's March Pittsburgh, said.

A large focus of the march was on upcoming elections, with signs in the crowd reading, "The Future is Ours! VOTE," "We Flip Houses And Senates" and "Do what's right and vote."

"It's 2018. If you want to see the type of country that you envision, you have to vote," Mayor Bill Peduto said.

Organizers estimate 30,000 joined the crowd this year, even bigger than last year's march.

This was the second annual Women's March in Pittsburgh.

Many marches across the country took place Saturday.

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