Good Samaritans In W.Va. Rescue Puppies Abandoned In Dumpster

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TRIDELPHIA, W.Va. (KDKA) -- Two Good Samaritans rescued two puppies that were found abandoned in a dumpster in West Virginia on Sunday night.

The Bridge To Home Animal Rescue organization in Eighty-Four, Pa., says a volunteer received a message around 10:45 p.m. from two women in Tridelphia, W.Va., who had found two puppies in a cardboard box inside a dumpster.

The Good Samaritans brought the puppies to the shelter, where they spent the night "in a warm bed with a full belly."

Shelter workers believe the puppies are possibly pug mixes and about 6 weeks old. They have been named Grace and Gigi.

The shelter says their veterinarians will check the puppies out.

The dogs will be put up for adoption when they're 8 weeks old.

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