Public Safety Warns Of Traffic Disruptions Ahead Of President Joe Biden's Visit This Week

By: Patrick Damp/KDKA-TV

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - President Joe Biden is set to visit the Pittsburgh area on Friday.

Mr. Biden will visit the research and development hub of Mill 19 in Hazelwood as part of the bipartisan infrastructure deal that was passed in 2021.

Pittsburgh Police Commander Eric Holmes is in charge of dignitary protection for national and international leaders when they come to the Pittsburgh area.

Holmes said that residents and visitors should be prepared for traffic disruptions as the presidential motorcade moves from Allegheny County Airport to Hazelwood.

"Drivers should prepare for rolling traffic delays and detours, as well as restricted parking along 2nd Avenue between the Glenwood Bridge and Hazelwood Avenue for the planned event," Holmes said in a statement provided to KDKA. "It is advisable to pack a measure of patience and prepare ahead with an alternative route in mind to minimize travel hurdles."

There will also be parking and travel restrictions on the following roads:

  • Blair Street
  • Beehive Street
  • Lytle Street
  • Eliza Street
  • Hazelwood Avenue
  • The city will put no parking signs out 24 hours in advance of the visit and those restrictions will be in place from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

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