Ted Cruz Delivers Remarks To Crowd In Monroeville

MONROEVILLE (KDKA) -- Supporters of Ted Cruz lined up all around the entrance to Gateway High School Saturday. 13-year-old Parker Ward got up early to get to the front.

"I started getting ready at about 5:30, so I've been trying to get here early," Ward said.

He wasn't alone, David Sussman drove his family in from Detroit.

"We came here early enough. We got here at 7:30. We hope to sit pretty close this time," he said.

Deborah Rosato, first in line, summed up the Cruz support.

"He stands up for the constitution and nobody is talking about that. The other candidates don't say anything and Ted has memorized and known the constitution since he was 13 years old," she said.

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Inside the auditorium, just under 1,000 packed in to hear the presidential candidate deliver remarks to his supporters.

"I am here this morning with a word of hope and encouragement all across Pennsylvania and all across this country. People are waking up, and help is on the way," Cruz said.

Cruz targeted Donald Trump repeatedly.

"Donald Trump is a Washington insider who has been supporting liberal democratic politicians for 40 years," he said.

He turned Trump's "Lying Ted" line against him.

"Usually they talk good on the campaign trail, and then they get in office and betray us. Well I have to give Donald credit. He's betraying us before he got elected," he said.

The Texas senator also had strong words concerning Islamic terrorism.

"We are coming to get you, and we are not coming to negotiate. We're not coming to compromise. We are not coming to cut a deal, to arrest you, or read you your rights. We are coming to kill you," Cruz said.

He worked to convey strong support for the military.

"The era of a president who mocks and ridicules your service is coming to an end, and you will once again have the thanks of a grateful nation and a commander-in-chief who's got your back," he told supporters.

Cruz was dismissive of John Kasich.

"He has lost 31 states in a row. The only state he has managed to win is his home state, so the only role John Kasich plays right now is a spoiler. As Mitt Romney put it just a few weeks ago: a vote for John Kasich is a vote for Donald Trump."

Ted Cruz not only wants to win the popular vote in Pennsylvania, he wants delegates.

That's a bit of a challenge because in Pennsylvania, delegate candidates run unpledged without any indication on the ballot of who they're going to support for president. That means voters have a bit of homework to do before election day.

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