Steelers' Bell Enters ARD, Gets 15 Months Of Probation For 2014 DUI Arrest

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) –Pittsburgh Steelers running back Le'Veon Bell appeared in court this morning in connection with a DUI arrest last year.

Bell was arrested on Aug. 20 after a motorcycle officer in Ross Township smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle.

Today, Bell entered an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program, received 15 months of probation and a 60-day license suspension.

He must also attend rehab classes.

For many years, Pennsylvania has had an ARD program for these types of situations.

"Le'Veon Bell was introduced into a Pennsylvania trial diversionary program subject to one year probation," defense attorney Robert Del Greco said.

The program is limited to first time DUI offenders who have no criminal record.

"The conditions were that he undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation, attend drunk driving school, pay court costs and suffer a 60-day license suspension," Del Greco said.

Court costs are roughly $2,400.

By entering the program, Bell also opens himself up to the possibility of a suspension per terms of the NFL's collective bargaining agreement.

"I would suspect that this dispositional hearing will certainly subject him to a sanction and if I was a guessing man, I would put it in the one or two-game area," Del Greco said.

Del Greco said his client already apologized to his teammates and the fans and has already started the working on the terms of the ARD program.

"I have been in this 35 years. I am optimistic that Le'Veon Bell not only will complete this program and earn a dismissal and expungement, but that we won't see him again, and I won't be having this news conference for Le'Veon Bell again," he said.

Judge Gallo told Bell and the other people before him that he has to stay clean and do what he is supposed to do if is record is ever going to be expunged.

According to Ross Township Police, Officer Sean Stafiej pulled the car over in the parking lot of Pool City along McKnight Road.

Police say Bell was driving, then-teammate LeGarrette Blount was in the front passenger seat and an unidentified female was in the back seat of the vehicle.

Investigators say Officer Stafiej also found a Ziploc-style bag containing about 20 grams of marijuana on the console.

Ross Township Police say the three "admitted to collectively possessing the bag of marijuana."

Previously, Blount reached a plea deal and was to perform 50 hours of community service at a charitable youth organization. The charges were droped against Blount because he met the Feb. 4 deadline to complete the hours.

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