RAD Days return for next 40 days

RAD Days Return For Next 40 Days
RAD Days Return For Next 40 Days

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - For the next 40 days, RAD Days are back across the Pittsburgh area.

RAD stands for Allegheny Regional Asset District, and the RAD Days program is designed as a 'thank you' to taxpayers, offering folks a chance to see the best of Allegheny County's top cultural destinations… free of charge.

One of the first free RAD Days was Sunday at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh.

Max Pipman, the Senior Director of Communications at the Children's Museum, says that RAD is an amazing resource for people around the region.

"I think RAD is just such an incredible asset for the entire region," said Pipman. "It lets people go to places they might now be able to visit regularly. It gives them access to new and exciting places and lets them experience things on a day-to-day basis for over 40 days."

Everyone seemed to be enjoying free admission today at the Children's Museum, but RAD Days has free days planned for other Pittsburgh favorites like the National Aviary, The Carnegie Museums of Art and Natural History, and even places like the Pittsburgh Ballet and CLO.

James Santelli, the Communications Manager for The Allegheny Regional Asset District, says that what RAD does, at its core, is it shows off investment in the city's great places and encourages community interest and growth.

"These are important places to sustain and foster," Santelli said. "And for us to be able to go around to business owners around the country or people who are looking to move here and say, 'Hey, it's not just about roads and bridges and things like that.' We are also investing in the kind of places that people want to be. That people want to bring their family and ultimately, hopefully, build a life in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County."

For more information on RAD Days and all the places that are participating over the next 40 days, check out their site.

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