PSU Football Ticket Prices Vary With Opponents

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — Ohio State is the biggest game

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on Penn State's 2014 home football schedule, and the game's ticket price reflects that.

Penn State is adopting a variable price policy on single-game tickets in which fans will pay more to watch stronger opponents and less to watch games

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against lesser foes.

The most expensive seats at Beaver Stadium will be $200 for the Ohio State game.

The same seats will cost just $150 when Northwestern and Michigan State come to town, and $140 each for all other opponents.

The cheapest seats all season will be $40 for upper tier end zone seats against Akron and UMass.

Fans will pay $100 to sit in the same seats for the Ohio State game, $80 for Northwestern and Michigan State, and $60 for other opponents.

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