Scott Township Farm Accepting Christmas Trees As A Treat For Their Goats

By: KDKA-TV News Staff

SCOTT TOWNSHIP (KDKA) - If you're looking for a unique way to recycle your Christmas tree, one farm near Scott Township is taking donations.

However, it's not for the scenery, it's to feed their goats.

Potential Farm in Presto is accepting donations of Christmas trees as a treat for their goats.

All of the ornaments, tinsel, and other decorations must be removed once they're donated.

Farmers all across the United States are also following suit, asking for Christmas trees for goats, pigs, and other animals on the farm.

"So, about this time of year, you know, the pasture gets a little space for the goats and so it's nice to give them a treat," said Autumn Sij of Such And Such Farm. "The Christmas trees have a lot of extra nutrients and vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C which they really appreciate this time of year."

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