Police: Man Target Shooting Accidentally Shot, Killed Self

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Police say a man target practicing accidentally shot and killed himself in the Wexford area.

Northern Regional Police says the 64-year-old North Hills man was found on State Gamelands Road Wednesday morning.

The Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office identifies the victim as Robert Chamberlain of Sewickley Township.

Officers believe the man was target practicing when he either slipped or fell and the gun accidentally discharged, killing him.

Police say the man was using a shotgun and had one gunshot wound in the chest.

Northern Regional police chief Robert Amann says the conditions were wet when the accident happened.

"It appears it's very wet back there, which may have caused him to slip with the weapon, or he had a mechanical problem with the shotgun and may have been working on that at the time," Chief Amann said.

He was found by another person who was going target practicing.

"He was back here target shooting," said Chief Amann. "It appeared he was getting ready for turkey season coming up and he was target practicing for turkey."

The investigation is continuing.

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