More Votes Loom On Spending, Amid Differences Over Funding
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - The Pennsylvania House and Senate are returning to session on the last day of the state government's fiscal year, with differences remaining on a tax package necessary to finance a $31.5 billion budget plan.
Lawmakers expected to hold more Thursday votes on spending legislation. On Wednesday, the Senate added $39 million, or 2.5 percent, for higher education institutions and tuition grants to a budget package passed a day earlier by the House.
Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf praised the Senate's budget plan, but House officials aren't saying how they'll handle it.
Meanwhile, Wolf says a House plan to raise $1 billion for the state's deficit-plagued finances is inadequate. That plan is based on $1 billion in projected new receipts from higher tobacco taxes, tax delinquents, more legalized gambling and brisker wine and liquor sales.
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