More Officers To Be Stationed Downtown After Shooting Near T Station

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - More police officers are on patrol in Downtown Pittsburgh after a shooting outside the Wood Street T Station.

Tuesday's shooting was the most recent incident of violence downtown. Police arrested 16-year-old Denzel Glover, who is being charged as an adult.

After the shooting, Glover reportedly boarded a Port Authority bus and attempted to get away. He was arrested when police had that bus stopped. Officers found a backpack and a .22-caliber handgun.

Now, walking through Downtown may now come with a new set of rules: Watch your back and be cautious of what's going on around you.

"Just gotta watch out. There really isn't much you can do in broad daylight," Jeff Cubbage said.

"Well, it's certainly something to be concerned about and hopefully we will try to improve law enforcement," Loraine Shapiro said.

Mayor Bill Peduto has promised increased officer patrols - uniformed and plain clothes. To read his full statement, visit this link.

That heavy presence was evident in the downtown area Wednesday.

"You're going to see dramatically increased police presence," said Pittsburgh Police Chief Cameron McLay. "There was a significant police presence yesterday when the incident occurred. So, we're looking at this from all sides."

Tuesday's shooting wasn't an isolated incident near the Wood Street station.

On the Fourth of July, a 15-year-old girl was shot at 7th and Liberty Avenue. Last December, police clashed with groups of young people while trying to make some arrests. Then, in May 2015, a man was beat up there and tossed on the T tracks.

"I've worked here over 17 years, the last few years since the schools came, I have been very worried about it and I just missed the shooting yesterday by about five minutes," Cubbage said.

"This is very concerning, scary. You have to be very cautious when you come somewhere," Candace Ward said.

Chief McLay says he's been holding a series of meetings with the U.S. Attorney, the Pittsburgh Public School District and Port Authority Police about how to make the area safe again.

Meanwhile, the 17-year-old victim, who was shot in the chest, is said to be in stable condition.

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