Woman Says Fight With Employee At Monroeville Mall Left Her With Bruises, Bald Spot

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MONROEVILLE (KDKA) -- Michelle Eastwood said a chunk of hair was ripped from her head inside children's store Crazy 8 at Monroeville Mall just before closing time Tuesday night.

"Look at the bald spot," said Michelle Eastwood. "It was like 8:50 p.m. when we went in there. I was grabbing my daughter a couple things, just glancing. It was 50 percent off."

Eastwood said a store clerk came up to her and told her the store was closed. Crazy 8 closes at 9.

"At that time she was giving me a lot of attitude. I said, 'Trashy,' and said it underneath my breath and she says, 'Oh yeah, I'm trashy?'" Eastwood said. "And she came out from behind the register and just punched me and just started attacking me, ripping all my hair out."

Eastwood's 10-year-old son Aiden stood by watching the whole thing play out.

"The lady came out saying, 'What you call me, what?' And then started swinging at my mom. Ripping her hair out, throwing her into the clothes," Eastwood's son Aiden Holecek said.

The bruises are a stark reminder of what happened that night.

"She was grabbing my arms, my neck. My neck hurts me so bad I can't even move. I have bruises here. I have a scrape on my leg," Eastwood said.

Aiden called 911 and tried to intervene.

"I kicked her a little bit in the rib area, and then she grabbed my leg and started gouging at it," Holecek said. "She grabbed at it and started scratching like a cat. It hurt bad."

But what's most traumatic for Eastwood...

"Look at this [hair] falling out of my head. Literally look," Eastwood said. "She needs to lose her job. She shouldn't be working around here."

KDKA's Amy Wadas talked to the manager at Crazy 8 on Thursday. She couldn't comment on the incident or the status of that employee. KDKA also reached out to corporate and are waiting for a reply back.

Monroeville Police confirm that they were called to Crazy 8 inside Monroeville Mall Tuesday night for an incident between a store clerk and a customer.

Police said they'll be able to release more information on this case if charges are filed.

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