Millvale community hosts shop and taste event to promote Small Business Saturday

Millvale Hosts "Shop And Taste" Event
Millvale Hosts "Shop And Taste" Event

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - In the spirit of Small Business Saturday, community members in Millvale came out for a shop and taste event today.

More than 34 local shops and restaurants welcomed shoppers throughout the day, offering complimentary drinks and snacks as they shopped.

Organizers tell KDKA-TV that events like this help to promote businesses in their community.

"Every dollar you spend at a small business means so much to them. All of these businesses here are such an eclectic mix of authentic businesses. They've been here for 10, 20, 30 years, and it's just wonderful to have everybody involved and supporting these people's livelihoods," said Dee Schlotter, board secretary of the Millvale Community Development Corporation.

Participants received a map at the beginning of their day that could be stamped by businesses as they shopped. Those stamps could then be turned in to enter a prize raffle. 

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