Man Arrested For Masturbating In Chip Aisle Of Uniontown Sheetz Store

UNIONTOWN (KDKA) - Police were called to the Sheetz store in Uniontown early Friday morning for a bizarre situation.

Employees at the store said they noticed the 18-year-old walk into the store around 2 a.m. and he started behaving in a suspicious manner.

The employees thought he may be trying to shoplift.

One of the workers walked to where he was and noticed that he had his genitals exposed and he was masturbating in the chip aisle.

"I think it's horrible. Unfortunately, it's sad and a lot of this has been going on lately. Fayette County has been in the news quite a bit and it hasn't been for good reasons," Bob Siple said.

The suspect is accused of exposing his genitals to employees on numerous occasions during the incident.

Even after state police arrived, they claim he was still exposing himself. The man was immediately taken into custody.

"A lot of people anymore do have mental health problems and you have to ask yourself why you are out at two o'clock in the morning exposing yourself in a public place?" Siple said.

KDKA-TV spoke with the suspect, who said he was simply adjusting himself. He also claims the allegations are all false and he has not been charged

State police say troopers later viewed in-store video to corroborate the employees' story.

Authorities say charges of indecent exposure, lewd conduct and disorderly conduct are pending.

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