Local Church Featured In New Blockbuster Throws Premiere Party

MOUNT LEBANON (KDKA) -- Red Carpet. Cameras. Fancy Dresses.

It was a movie gala Mount Lebanon-style.

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church threw the party at The Galleria to celebrate the church's role in the new movie "The Fault In Our Stars."

The movie is based on a best-selling young adult book about teenagers with cancer who meet at a church support group.

Those support group scenes were filmed at Saint Paul's Episcopal.

So church and community members filled up five theaters Thursday night for a preview of the film.

Nancy Mosser Casting chose about a dozen local teenagers who either have cancer or who have survived cancer to play members of the support group.

Viviana Cardenas, 17, of Neshannock Township, plays the part of "Julie." While she doesn't have any lines, she still says it was a thrill.

She had a tumor on her neck at age 7. She's been cancer free now for 10 years. The film speaks to her.

"It means so much to me because I went through exactly what Hazel (the main character) is going through," said Cardenas. "So, I understand how she's feeling."

Members of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church say they're proud to be part of the film.

And they say there's been a lot of excitement over it from both church members and the community.

"During filming, we're next to a park, and we had kids from Mt. Lebanon High School like crawling through the bushes!" said Lisa Brown, the church's communications coordinator.

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