Kordell Stewart: Cam Newton Is A Diva, Not Ben Roethlisberger

PITTSBURGH (93-7 The FAN) - Former Steelers quarterback Kordell Stewart heard the comments made by former Baltimore Ravens head coach Brian Billick where he called Ben Roethlisberger a "diva" and was asked for his thoughts when he joined The Starkey and Mueller Show.

"I've never seen a diva drag a leg out on a football field and play knowing that at any moment it could give out or anything, I think he's just a tough guy," Kordell said about Ben.  "Being that Coach Billick had to play against the Pittsburgh Steelers for many years and myself being a quarterback in Pittsburgh and going against him...I beat him 8 times out of 9 times, and I don't think he likes that too, too much, and I think that's kind of a jab at the Pittsburgh Steelers."

Having been a quarterback in the NFL, we asked Kordell what he thought about the comments Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton made about wanting to be protected more and that he'd talk with Roger Goodell about his concerns.

"See, that's the difference between a diva, and lets just say, Ben Roethlisberger.  Now that's a diva mentality."

Kordell went on to talk about Newton's often criticized play in the Super Bowl where he didn't go all out for a loose fumble.

"I don't want to pile on Cam...but I will say this, I wish there was more of an effort," Kordell said.  "I wish he could have given a little bit more of an effort and sacrificed himself as opposed to going in and seeing the defender going down for the ball and you step right out. At least kick the ball! Give me something! And he didn't."

Click the link below to hear the full interview with Kordell.

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