Love Never Fails: Global Jehovah's Witnesses Convention Returns To Pittsburgh

CORAOPOLIS (KDKA) -- For the past 12 years, Coraopolis has played host to one of the largest gatherings of Jehovah's Witnesses at an annual convention.

This year, they met at the Coraopolis Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses from Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 28.

"These events will illustrate the positive influence that love can have to bring people together from diverse backgrounds," said Todd Kravits, a local representative for Jehovah's Witnesses. "Local Jehovah's Witnesses get an opportunity to meet and enjoy association with their fellow Witnesses, and the community here in Coraopolis is happy to accommodate the influx of visitors at the many local cafés, restaurants, hotels, and popular tourist destinations."

The convention includes people from six continents, over 200 countries, and is presented in 400 languages. Nearly 500 delegates from the United States and Canada alone were expected to attend.

The convention in Coraopolis is one of the hundreds of convention programs and is one of only seven international conventions held in the United States.

The main theme of this year's convention will be "True Love in a Hate-Filled World" addressing overcoming prejudice and hatred.

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