Inbound Red Line, Blue Line Trolleys To Be Detoured For Several Weeks
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Port Authority Red Line riders have barely settled back into the uninterrupted service through Beechview and into the city, and now there's word of a disruption in the force.
This time, the detour is going to affect everyone who rides the T into Pittsburgh from the South Hills and all the bus riders whose routes take them through the Mount Washington transit tunnel.
The inbound track coming out of the tunnel and curving into Station Square is badly deteriorated and must be replaced. The outbound track and service is not impacted.
So, starting with service on Monday morning (Oct. 3) all inbound trolleys and buses that use the transit tunnel "are going to go up over the old line through Allentown," says Port Authority spokesman Jim Ritchie.
That means the buses and T trains will be mixing with the normal morning rush hour traffic.
Ritchie says that "means you're probably going to see delays in the inbound direction of 10-15 minutes on average."
The detour will be in effect for 20 days, and during that time, Ritchie says the Port Authority is recommending you use a T or bus that leaves at least 15 minutes earlier than normal.
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Additionally, riders who normally get on at Station Square for the ride into the city can still do that.
"There will be a rail shuttle that operates between Station Square, First Avenue Station in Downtown and Steel Plaza Station in Downtown," Ritchie said.
The Wabash Tunnel will also be impacted. Because some outbound buses will be detoured to the Wabash Tunnel it will be outbound only during the 20 days of the project.