How To Get The Most From Your Morning Coffee

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Do you wake up in the morning and immediately go for a cup of coffee to give you the caffeine buzz you need to start the day?

If you answered yes, scientists say you're doing it wrong.

Studies have shown that if you want to get that boost of energy to start your day, you should wait an hour to drink your coffee instead of reaching for it first thing in the morning.

Experts say our bodies already have cortisol, the stress hormone.

It's often blamed for contributing to fat, but in the morning, it's the hormone that actually provides us energy.

So, drinking caffeine with it, experts say doesn't help, because it can lead to a jittery feeling.

However, according to Dr. Steven Gundry from the International Heart & Lung Institute's Center For Restorative Medicine, combining caffeine with a natural morning energy spike could be great for something like a workout.

Experts also suggest that you consider the timing of eating your breakfast, or try drinking coffee with your food.

The bottom line -- everyone's body is different and you'll have to try things out to see what works best for you.

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