Family Of Late Greene Co. Sheriff Remember Heroic Family Member

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WAYNESBURG, Pa. (KDKA) - The young sheriff was also a husband and a father of four little boys.

The loving, grief-stricken wife of Greene County Sheriff Brian Tennant shared what it was like living with her heroic husband during his grave illness as he served until the end.

"Multiple people have said well, he was involved in everything and he did everything, and that was true," said Jessica Tennant. "It's a wonderful testament to him, and his public service and I'm trying to use those as representations to our children."

Greene County Sherrif Brian Tennant
Photo Credit: (KDKA)

The young sheriff was diagnosed with an inoperable incurable brain tumor when he was 26-years-old.

The oldest of the boys: Ross, 10 and Blake 9 were small.

"He could have done anything, but he chooses everything that he did to do something better for someone else," said Jessica.



Sheriff Tennant never let the 2010 diagnosis stop his loyalty to Community and family. Along came Reed age 6 and Ty, four.

He was a firefighter in Waynesburg, a medic with EMS Southwest, a police officer, K-9 officer and finally sheriff of the county he loved.

"Always very encouraging of everyone to keep going, to keep fighting," she said.

Jessica says all the titles in the world couldn't compare to the best ones: Husband and father.

Tennant's unwavering service to family and others, even during painful migraines and in a wheelchair, couldn't keep a legacy that will long outlive his young life.

"If more people were like that, if more people maintained a positive attitude and never complained, and certainly he had lots of reasons to complain, and he never did. This community, this county, this area, the entire country, the entire world would be in a much better state," she said.

The funeral is set for 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Waynesburg and will be followed by a police escort to Greene County Memorial Park.

Waynesburg-Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Co. will hold a memorial service at 7 p.m. Friday in the church, followed at 7:30 p.m. by Masonic Services by Waynesburg Lodge No. 153.

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