Demolition of old Fort Pitt Brewery's tower to begin next week

Demolition of old Pennsylvania brewery's tower to begin next week
Demolition of old Pennsylvania brewery's tower to begin next week

JEANNETTE, Pa. (KDKA) — The site of the former Fort Pitt Brewery in West Jeannette will soon be reduced to rubble. The dilapidated structure that had become an eyesore is nearing the final stages of demolition.

Many in the area say it's sad to see a piece of history be torn down but they're excited about the future. While nothing is slated to occupy the space just yet, officials said no matter what it is, it will definitely produce tax revenue and create jobs.

"Most of the building has been demolished," said Brian Lawrence, the executive director of the Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority and Land Bank.

Not much is left of the old Fort Pitt Brewery. An eight-story brick tower that once housed the brewing equipment is set to come down next week.

"Properties like this, they will use what's called a high reach to pull down pieces of the building, starting at the upper floors and working their way progressively downward. They're not going to be using explosives or imploding the building or anything like that," Lawrence said. 

Demolition work has been going on since mid-July after years of complaints by residents of rodents, vandalism and squatters. The $10.4 million project, paid for by the federal government through the American Rescue Plan, is scheduled for completion early next year. 

"The best thing to do is to stay indoors, stay away from the site as much as possible. If you really have to come down this way, be aware of your surroundings, don't gawk, don't sit around. We're asking people to keep a distance," Lawrence said. 

Once demolition is complete, a second environmental site assessment will be conducted to help guide the potential reuse of the property. It's the land bank's hope that the next owner will bring much-needed jobs to the community. 

"A couple businesses have expressed interest in expanding their operations at this site," Lawrence said. 

The bulk of the work on the tower will take place next week on Dec. 6 and Dec. 7 from 7 a.m. to dusk.

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