Family's Home Goes Up In Flames in Lawrence County; 1 Cat Killed, 1 Missing

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LAWRENCE COUNTY, Pa. (KDKA) – A cat was killed and a house was destroyed by fire in Lawrence County on Monday.

The fire started on the first floor of a house on Prospect Street in South New Castle Borough before spreading to the second floor.

Lawrence Fire 2
Photo Credit: KDKA

The family that owns the house wasn't staying there because their furnace broke and a pipe burst during last week's cold weather.

Monday afternoon, workers were making repairs.

"They were here today cleaning everything up," homeowner Jay Pearson said. "When I stopped by after they got everything done to feed and water the cats, the house was on fire."

Lawrence fire
Photo Credit: KDKA

One cat was killed and a second cat that was in the house is still missing on Monday night.

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