Fire Destroys 1 Home, Damages 2 Others In Butler

BUTLER, Pa. (KDKA) -- A three-alarm fire destroyed a recovery home and damaged two other houses in Butler.

Butler fire
(Photo Credit: Jessica Guay/KDKA)

The recovery home caught fire on Friday, and the blaze spread to two other homes in the 300 block of Broad Street.

The fire chief said no one will be able to live in the recovery house. The fire started in the garage area, the chief said.

"All of our belongings are gone," said Mark Sallese. "Most of us have been through a lot, and we'll get through this. We have each other, and there are a lot of good people out there."

No injuries were reported.

Sallese said nine other men lived in the recovery house. The man who owns the home has found a place for all 10 people to stay.

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