Eye On Care: Renew Active By UnitedHealthcare

United Healthcare® presents Eye on Care highlighting resources to help you live a happier, healthier life.

From October 15 through December 6, you can watch host, Melissa Sipusic, Director of Sales for UnitedHealthcare, talk with local experts on KDKA-TV & WPCW-TV about different topics including how to make the most of your Medicare plan benefits, staying active, the importance of the flu vaccine, UnitedHealthcare at Home and supporting our Veteran's with Veteran's Angels.

Jenna Muench from Renew Active by UnitedHealthcare, provides tips on using Medicare plan benefits to stay active.

There are many ways that people can use their Medicare plan benefits to get and stay healthy. Many UnitedHealthcare Medicare plans provide access to the Renew Active fitness program for body and mind at no additional cost. Renew Active includes local health and wellness classes and much more!

As people continue to socially distance, Renew Active offers resources to help people stay active. Renew Active has offerings from free gym memberships at local fitness locations, AARP® Staying Sharp® Brain health challenges, to Fitbit premium workout videos to do at home. There's something you can do every day!

For more information, call 1-800-220-0016.

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