Delivery driver robbed, beaten and kidnapped in Elliott says that night 'haunts' him

Delivery driver robbed, beaten and kidnapped says that night 'haunts' him

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A local delivery driver is relieved to hear Pittsburgh police arrested one of the three suspects accused of kidnapping him earlier this month, but he's still considering moving away.

"I was thrown in the trunk. After they left, I recognized that they left, and I opened my trunk, and I was seeking help," the driver said.

He recounted his terrifying experience of getting held at gunpoint, robbed, kidnapped and thrown in his trunk. Pittsburgh police announced Tuesday one of the three suspects accused of attacking the driver has been charged. And he's a 13-year-old juvenile.

"I really don't want to stay in this place because that situation is haunting me every day," the victim said.

The delivery driver goes by "PK" and told KDKA-TV he's struggling.

"I'm totally depressed with anxiety, panic attacks if I see any people," he said.

The violent attack happened on Jan. 3 in the city's Elliott neighborhood. PK said he got a pizza delivery order, but the address brought him to a dead end in the dark with no house in sight.

As soon as he opened his car door, "three people attacked me, starting [with] one person came, and he got gun on me, and I said take whatever money you want, and I showed the money."

But PK said the three suspects still beat him and then threw him into the trunk of his car after robbing him.

"They told me to remove my shoes and I was wearing my shorts, my Jordan shorts, and they asked them to remove them. I was butt-naked and they took my car keys, my phone, they took everything."

He's thankful they ditched his car at a nearby park and he found a way to get out and find help.

"My car has an option to fold the back seats, so I folded my back seats, and then I opened my door," he said

The 13-year-old boy has been charged with robbery, aggravated assault and kidnapping. He will not be charged as an adult. The search continues for the other two alleged suspects.

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