Debt ceiling bill passes U.S. House with Western Pennsylvania Rep. Summer Lee voting no

Summer Lee votes no on debt ceiling deal

WASHINGTON (KDKA) - With a big, bipartisan vote, the House passed the bill to suspend the nation's debt limit from January 2025. 

More Democrats supported the bill than Republicans but there was one notable exception - Rep. Summer Lee was the only no-vote among western Pennsylvania house members, saying Republicans placed their political priorities over the poorest and most vulnerable. 

The bill, which was the result of a deal between the White House and House Republicans, caps some federal spending, takes money from the IRS, tightens eligibility for food stamp programs, and loosens some environmental rules. 

Some conservative Republicans who opposed the bill are now questioning Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy's leadership and have threatened to bring up a motion to oust him. 

Speak McCarthy was not too worried about the threat and celebrated the victory. 

"Is it everything I wanted? No. But sitting with one House, with a Democratic Senate, and a Democratic President who didn't want to meet with us, I think we did pretty dang good for the American people," McCarthy said. 

"We had an obligation, a responsibility to avoid a catastrophic default," added House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries. 

President Biden took to Twitter to thank House leaders and urge the Senate to pass it as quickly as possible. 

The bill in its current form faces some opposition from Senate Republicans and at least one Democrat. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has warned members of his chamber to prepare for potential votes over the weekend. 

As we have reported, the United States Treasury has said the bill must get to the president's desk by Monday to avoid default. 

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