'It's Not Time': Pittsburghers Apprehensive About Economy Reopening Too Soon

ALLEGHENY COUNTY (KDKA) -- Some Pittsburghers are apprehensive about the economy reopening right now.

The progress of the coronavirus pandemic is measured by the new numbers.

How many new cases? How many hospitalizations? How many deaths?

A month of staying at home is now stretching into two and Governor Tom Wolf says, "I recognize that what is being asked of each of us is very hard."

Governor Wolf started shutting down Pennsylvania's counties before most leaders.

He is resolute in his position about not backing down.

"People are still dying, the economy is still tanking and we know the draconian steps we are now taking cannot go on forever," Wolf said.

But as the talk in Washington D.C. and around the country focuses on getting the economy reopened, Governor Wolf says the science gap must be jumped first.

"We need a test that can tell us when we are sick. We need a test to know when we are immune," Wolf said.

Wolf has also joined neighboring governors in looking toward a regional approach to reopening.

Shoppers leaving the grocery in Edgewood, most wearing a mask, expressed reservations about rushing it.

Ashley Fitz says those who advocate reopening "are being reckless. You're going to have what happened in China happen again, where it came back."


Nikki Mitchell would like to see things return to normal soon. "I'm anxious for it. I don't know if it's time."

"It's not time to open up the country," says Libby Pearsall of Edgewood. "We still need to practice social distancing. We need to wait for more information from doctors"

Jay Edwards says, "I'm not too anxious. I can wait. I don't mind the time off and being home with family."

The governor says Pennsylvania needs to see a drop in new cases, progress toward stockpiling equipment and PPE, plus more testing of the sick before he will consider lessening the restrictions.

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