Winter is when most carbon monoxide exposure happens. Here's how you can keep your home safe.

Keeping your home safe from carbon monoxide this winter

ASPINWALL (KDKA) -- Carbon monoxide can be a silent killer, especially in the winter when most exposures happen, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

"People are unaware of it – they go to sleep, and they don't even realize that carbon monoxide is present," Gene Marsico, assistant fire chief for Southern Allegheny Valley Emergency Services, said.

It has no taste, smell, or color and that's why Gene Marsico says having things like your furnaces checked is important.

"They can get the problem, nip it in the bud if there is an issue with that," Marsico said.

Marsico says you should also watch out for gas appliances. Don't use your stove for heat, don't use a generator inside, and mind your car.

"If you have a garage under your house, people have a tendency sometimes to forget to shut the car off – which will also cause carbon monoxide," he said.

Carbon monoxide detectors can be the difference between life and death. They're something you should check on a regular basis.

"The carbon monoxide detectors batteries should be checked once a month – replaced once a year," Marsico said.

Make sure those detectors are replaced every 10 years. Also, listen for beeping sounds, and make sure there are batteries.

"They'll take the batteries out of the smoke detectors or the carbon monoxide detectors because they might need them for something else… and then, they forget to replace them," Marsico said.

Also, watch for light-headedness and headaches. Those could be carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms.

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