Braddock To Hold 'Open Audition' To Fill Vacant Mayor Position

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BRADDOCK, Pa. (KDKA) -- It's a stunning opportunity for anyone living in this aging steel town -- an open audition to become Braddock's next mayor to fill the shoes of now Lt. Gov. John Fetterman.

Borough council declined to fill the position last week -- after finding out that one of the two final candidates was registered to vote in North Braddock -- the next town over.

Photo Credit: KDKA

So on Jan. 29, they'll try again, giving any legitimate resident five minutes to try to convince them that they should be the next mayor, and council is slated to select one that very night. It's an unusual process, but one Council President Tina Doose calls democratic.

"I believe in transparency," Doose said. "I believe in good government, and that's exactly what's taking place and it may not have gone smoothly or the way I wanted it to go but I think it will go the way the people will be satisfied with."

Prospective candidates will need to register with the borough by Jan. 25, and if selected will be mayor until January 2020 -- with the option of running in the May primary for a full four-year term.

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