Police searching for four suspects in Bethel Park gun store break in and burglary

Allegheny Arms and Gun Works in Bethel Park broken into
Allegheny Arms and Gun Works in Bethel Park broken into

BETHEL PARK, Pa. (KDKA) -- Police are investigating after a Bethel Park gun store was broken into early Monday morning.

Bethel Park Police and a forensics unit from Allegheny County were on scene at the Allegheny Arms & Gun Works store located in the Millennium Shops along Library Road in Bethel Park early Monday morning. 

KDKA's news crew at the scene witnessed a window that appeared to have been shot out along with crime tape and evidence markers along the ground outside the store.

Police are investigating after a gun shop in Bethel Park was broken into. KDKA Photojournalist Brian Smithmyer

"We know that four suspects broke into this business and removed the firearms - the amount [of firearms] is undetermined at this time," said ATF Assistant Special Agent Joseph Price. 

Police said the break-in happened before 4:30 a.m. and they didn't waste any time. 

"They were probably in the store for under four minutes," Agent Price said. "In and out, four minutes." 

According to investigators, the store was the focus of thieves twice before. All this despite the owners taking great measures to keep it from happening. 

"He had alarms, he had cameras, the criminals just did not care," Agent Price said. 

This gun store burglary is just one of the latest in Western Pennsylvania over the last year. 

In April, Seconds Count Gun Shop in Mercer County saw someone drive a truck into the front of the store to get the guns.  Duke's Firearms in Lawrence County was also targeted in April. 

In January of last year, thieves drove a vehicle into RC Firearms, stealing about 24 guns. 

The question is always asked when these stores are broken into - where do the guns end up? 

"In the hands of criminals, either locally or sometimes trafficked to other cities in the region," Agent Price explained. 

The investigators said that in the latest burglary, the suspects shot their way in and used hatchets to bust up display cases. 

The suspects are believed to be four white males, all wearing black. 

Authorities believe the vehicle used was stolen and if you know anything, you're being asked to contact Bethel Park Police. 

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