Sen. Bernie Sanders Rallies Against GOP Health Bill In Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- A crowd of 1,600 went wild when Senator Bernie Sanders took the stage inside the David L. Lawrence Convention Center Saturday night.

"Plain and simple this so-called health care bill is nothing more than a massive transfer of wealth from working families to the very very rich," Senator Bernie Sanders said.


The folks who came out to hear Sanders speak want to see the health care system in America improve, but not by the passage of the Senate Republican health care bill.

"It excludes a lot of people. The people excluded are the ones who can't afford it. I was in that position a while back," Michael Hill of Bellevue said.

If the bill should pass, some people are concerned about how this will affect their coworkers.

"I'm more concerned with the cuts to Medicaid and the cuts to Medicare because it affects people that I work with at my job," said Abby Mason of East Liberty.

Sanders said the Affordable Care Act needs to be improved, not replaced and hopes Republican senators think otherwise.

"Senator Toomey, please vote no when this bill comes before us in the Senate," Sanders said.

"With the Republicans doing what they're doing, I think Bernie speaking out this time is critical because Trump said he would do all this stuff he's not doing. It doesn't look like he wants to give anyone health care. He wants to take it away from millions of people," said John Woodyear of Point Breeze.

"This bill is a moral outrage. It must be defeated and together we will do just that," Sanders said.

Sanders is also putting pressure on Ohio Senator Rob Portman and West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito to vote against the legislation.

Sanders will be in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday at 11 a.m. then Charleston, West Virginia at 3 p.m. for the bus tour rally he's hosting with

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