Ashes Of Local Woman's Brother Get Lost In Mail

OAKDALE (KDKA) -- In a locket around the neck of Jennifer Buhite is stored a small part of the love she has for her brother who just died in November.

Jennifer's brother, Roger Barton, suffered a massive heart attack at the age of 50 at his home in Florida. The family had his body cremated.

She decided to do something special, place some of his cremains inside specially made lockets packed in a box with some other gifts and send them to her sister's home.

"They're mourning, too. I thought it would help them," Jennifer said.

The good intentions turned into a big problem when the Postal Service lost the package.

"They tell me, you just have to wait. It could be two weeks, it could be four weeks, it could be four months," said Jennifer. "That's when I knew I had to get a hold of somebody because I wasn't getting anywhere."

That's when she came to us.

KDKA's Marty Griffin immediately called the Postal Service. A spokesman said they have a team of employees conducting an exhaustive search for the missing items.

The label is all the Post Office originally found.

However, things changed late Friday. Workers found one of the lockets in a storage bin of sorts. And they are hopeful to find the other by early next week.

"It is not just a piece of jewelry. He is inside of that jewelry. It is a piece of him," said Jennifer.

The Postal Service spokesperson says they feel awful about what's happened

They say they are hopeful a team working over the weekend will find the other missing locket.

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