Amazon Air Begins Daily Cargo Service At Pittsburgh International Airport

By: KDKA-TV News Staff

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Pittsburgh International Airport is now part of Amazon's U.S. cargo network.

Amazon Air touched down in Pittsburgh for the first time on Wednesday night and Amazon Air packages will arrive once a day at Pittsburgh International Airport.

The first departure will take place on Thursday morning when a Boeing 737-800F freighter will leave packed with cargo.

"We are excited that Amazon is continuing its investment in the region with the addition of Amazon Air operations at our airport," said Pittsburgh International Airport CEO Christina Cassotis. "We welcome Amazon Air and look forward to building our partnership. This announcement is a major milestone in positioning PIT as an international logistics center."

An agreement between Pittsburgh International Airport and Amazon will give Amazon 50,000 square feet at the airport which will include an onsite area to sort packages that will be shipped out from Pittsburgh International Airport.

The expectation is that the site will support more than 50 jobs.

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