'Restaurant Revolution': Restaurant Owners Encourage Others To Open At Full Capacity In Defiance Of Gov. Wolf's Order

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - It's no secret the restaurant industry is struggling. Owners across the region have asked for state restrictions to be eased, but nothing has happened.

The battle for survival started months ago as restaurants were restricted to takeout only. Then once the state moved to the "green" reopening phase, restaurants were quickly limited to a 25 percent capacity.

Restaurant and tavern owners across Allegheny County have been working together for about a month to push the state to ease restrictions. Those owners tell KDKA their deadline to hear from the governor was this week.

Now, with no response, the "Restaurant Revolution" is encouraging all owners to open at full capacity on Friday in defiance of the governor's order.

According to the post on the group's website, the group plans to follow CDC guidelines and leave it up to the individual business on how they operate.


KDKA asked Dr. Debra Bogen in Wednesday's briefing what the county's response is to this potential revolution.

"I would put out a plea. Please, please don't do that. It is a critical time with schools and all of our college students returning to town over the next few weeks. It is our time to focus on the return to education," Bogen said.

Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald says "the law is the law."

"We can't just have people breaking the law. The state has put these restrictions in place and we support their decision," said Fitzgerald.

The county executive went on and told restaurant owners that numerous businesses have had to adapt during the pandemic. He said the COVID-19 task force will continue to check restaurants and taverns to issue citations.

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