Chris Stigall Column: PA Has Never Been Easier for Trump

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Never Been Easier for Trump in PA. The Ad Writes Itself.

It defies explanation.  Here we are in Pennsylvania – a state in which pundits, pollsters, and politicians all suggest voters are "up for grabs and on the fence" this fall.  And we damned-well should be. "On the fence" seems inexplicable to me, by the way. But I digress...

The Clinton campaign has been through the Commonwealth and city of Philadelphia a ton (relative to past campaign travel schedules) since her convention. So has the Trump campaign. Both say they're fighting hard to win the Keystone State.

Only one is acting like it if you're watching TV.

The Clinton campaign has been carpet-bombing our television programming with that ugly "H"/Red arrow logo that looks more like a government-issued road sign pointing to a free clinic. But, not a dime from Trump. Not a word. Zero dollars, folks. Why? Where the hell is it? It's reported the Trump campaign raked in huge cash in July. Time to start spending it, Mr. Trump.

The ad writes itself.

Pennsylvania, specifically the city of Philadelphia is ground zero for the kind of cronyism, corruption, and special interest greed and graft voters have revolted against this year. The stuff that created your candidacy, Mr. Trump. Just look at the last two years:

In 2014, at least four Democrat state legislators from Philadelphia were caught taking multiple bribes ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands in cash and Tiffany jewelry.  These bribes were in exchange for certain votes or contracts.

In 2015, Democrat State Treasurer Rob McCord of Pennsylvania pleads guilty to taking $500,000 in bribes for political favors.

And just halfway through the current year of 2016, really in just the last month – consider this:

Democrat Congressman Chakka Fattah was found guilty on multiple charges of racketeering, fraud, and money laundering.

Democrat activist, donor, and union boss John ("Johnny Doc") Dougherty's home and union headquarters were raided by the FBI. So was the office Democrat Philadelphia City Councilman Bobby Henon on the same day. Fraudulent spending and illegal campaign contributions have been alleged.

Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane of Pennsylvania was found guilty on two counts of perjury and seven misdemeanor counts of abusing the powers of her office. She awaits sentencing.

Democrat District Attorney of Philadelphia Seth Williams just happened to remember $160,000 in gifts he "forgot" to report as required by law over the last five years.  Gifts like a $45,000 roof for his home from a New Jersey contractor.

Former Democrat Mayor Michael Nutter and his chief aide have been discovered by the Philadelphia Controller's office to have used Philadelphia Marathon charities money as their own personal expense account. $380,000 spent on trips, hotel rooms, open bar tabs for parties, and even shoes.

That's literally just off the top of my head in the last two years.

The corrupt cherry on the top of this filth? The National Democrat Party came to Philadelphia to nominate a woman under federal investigation for illegal co-mingling of her charity and official government business as well as creating an illegal, off-the-grid email server subject to likely foreign hacking. A woman most Americans don't trust at this hour.

Democrats, it was discovered during their own convention, were even cheating and colluding against one of their own primary candidates. This lead to the Democrat chairwoman resigning in disgrace DURING THEIR CONVENTION!

Hey, Mr. Trump. If Pennsylvania is in play – and it sure as hell should easily be – there's your ad. I won't even charge you for it. Just hurry up and make the ad. Tell Pennsylvanians there's an alternative. Teach voters about those that are failing and defrauding them.

It's never been easier, Mr. Trump. I'm waiting. I can't do it for you.

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