Video Shows Adult Leaving School Door Open Before Avonte Oquendo Escaped

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- New video has been released showing Avonte Oquendo, right before he disappeared from his school in Long Island City, Queens in October.

The video, released by family attorney David Perecman, showed an adult exiting the Center Boulevard School building and leaving the door open.

About half an hour later, the 14-year-old autistic boy is seen running out of the school without being stopped.

Three minutes after that, a school safety officer is seen closing the door.

Avonte's remains were found last week in the water off College Point, Queens.

For weeks after he disappeared, the NYPD and scores of volunteers scoured the city in search of the severely autistic teen who was also unable to speak.

When authorities scaled back their search, his mother, Vanessa Fontaine, continued the effort. She was determined to find out what happened to her son.

But after unknown remains were spotted in the river, teams of police divers and investigators combed the area where more body parts were eventually discovered, along with clothing that matched what the teen was last seen wearing.

"The DNA has verified that indeed the remains that were found are those of Avonte," the family's attorney said.

The boy's family has demanded an explanation from the city as to how Avonte was able to walk out of school unnoticed. They have said they plan to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the city.

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