Unseasonable warmth has folks reveling in the sun, but temperatures are set to crumble

Are New Yorkers ready for drastic weather change?

NEW YORK -- It's day three of record-breaking warmth across the Tri-State Area -- and that's a wrap. 

Temperatures will crumble Monday night, and we face a seasonable day Tuesday. 

CBS2's Vanessa Murdock found out if New Yorkers are ready for the drop. 

People were enjoying the unseasonable warmth and unfiltered sunshine in Tarrytown. 

"I love it. It's fabulous," said Pamela Giordano. "I feel like I should be at the pool." 

Enjoying the view, catching up on conversation, or enjoying lunch al fresco, the weather served up no interference. 

"It's beautiful," said Rodman Rosenberger. 

Across the mighty Hudson in Nyack, skateboarders tackled ramps and hills. One wore a beanie and sweatshirt. John Quirk decided the warmth warrants bearing more. 

"It's a little crazy that is 70 right? Almost 80," Quirk said. 

"Perfect weather. You can wear shorts, no heavy jacket," Tanya Cooper said. 

"It's going to be about 20 degrees colder tomorrow," Murdock said. 

"I don't want to know that, I'm not ready for that," Cooper said. 

"I didn't know that," said Jaiden Dunn.

"We're ready. I have my down coat, but it's just sitting there," Giordano said. 

"I'll be back, probably wearing a shirt, too," Quirk said. 

These temperature swings are commonplace in fall. The warm air isn't ready to release its grip, and the cold air wants control. And, is about to get it.  

No worries for Maria Pederson. She shares weather has little bearing whether or not she launches her kayak daily, with one exception. 

"You can't go out when it's frozen. Your paddles will ice up," Pederson said. 

Speaking of ice - we're not there, yet. 

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