Suozzi Sorry After Signatures Of 2 Dead Voters Appear On Petition

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Tom Suozzi has apologized after a member of his congressional campaign staff was accused of having signatures of two dead people on a petition.

The former Nassau County executive is running for the seat being vacated by Rep. Steve ­Israel, who announced in January he will not seek re-election in November.

About 5,700 signatures were collected as Suozzi tries to get on the ballot as both a Democrat and an independent as part of his "Fix Washington" pledge.

The signatures of two dead voters appeared in the petition, including Lucille Unser's husband who died in January after he was bedridden for two years.

"I think it's very wrong," Unser said. "It's deceitful, it's dishonest."

Suzzoi said he called Unser and apologized.

"I told her how sorry I was," Suozzi told WCBS 880's Sophia Hall. "This was a paid canvasser who worked a few days for us. It was a stupid mistake by a 20-year-old kid trying to look good by having more signatures but he's not working for us ever again. It was wrong."

Suozzi said if the signatures are fake, they shouldn't count.

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