Numerals 1 & 8 Arrive In Times Square For New Year's Eve Celebration
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Out with the old and in with the new.
With the ball drop just 18 days away, crews in Times Square are getting ready for the new year.
The numeral "1" and "8" arrived on a flatbed truck Wednesday.
The 7-foot tall numbers are on display at the Crossroads of the World, waiting to be hoisted into place atop One Times Square for the New Year's Eve festivities.
Tourists Teresa and Steve took a selfie with the numbers as they stood in Duffy Square.
"This is amazing that we're here from Southern California seeing this right now," Teresa said.
"We were just going to walk up to check out a restaurant, we didn't even know this was going on," Steve said.
It appears the eight isn't quiet ready for its big debut. Not all the bulbs were working during a test Wednesday morning.
"This is why we bring the numerals in early," said Jeff Strauss with Countdown Entertainment. "I promise you by Dec. 31 everything will be perfect."
Times Square Alliance President Tim Tompkins said people who plan to attend the New Year's Eve celebration should be reassured that the NYPD will keep them safe.
"They do an amazing job responding to things but also preventing things," he said.